Concrete Calculation

Concrete calculator

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Online calculator for calculating and selecting the composition of heavy concrete based on cement binder with the use of coarse and fine aggregates. Taking into account plasticizing additives, compaction method, and mobility of the concrete mix. The calculation is approximate and may differ from the real one depending on the materials used, their moisture content, and other characteristics. For a more accurate determination of proportions, a trial mix is necessary. The concrete calculator also allows you to determine how much cement per cubic meter (1m3) is required for concrete pouring, which is important for an accurate calculation of the quantity and composition of the concrete.

Pouring a concrete foundation when constructing a residential house or engineering structure is a responsible task and a crucial job for the builder. The quality of the concrete base will determine the strength and durability of the future building. The online concrete calculator will help to make the correct calculation of the composition and cost of aggregates for the concrete mix, just enter the data in the appropriate fields of the calculator. If you need to calculate the foundation itself, go to the page with the foundation calculation.

Online Calculator Features

The concrete calculation calculator is an online service that includes:

  • a set of fields for entering parameters;
  • an additional "Calculate Cost" function;
  • a "CALCULATE" button;
  • a set of fields displaying the calculation results.

Our calculator will calculate the composition of concrete and the cost of building materials based on the required mixture specifications and the aggregates used, save the data in PDF format, or print the ready result with one click. It is important to take into account the cement consumption per cubic meter of concrete and other materials to obtain the correct composition.

How the Calculator Works

To get the final result, enter the following parameters in the concrete calculator fields for the foundation:

  1. Required volume of concrete, in m3;
  2. Desired concrete grade;
  3. Select the size of the fine aggregate fraction, in mm;
  4. Select the size of the coarse aggregate fraction, in mm;
  5. Select the cement grade;
  6. Select the concrete mobility grade (from the most mobile to the stiffest);
  7. Determine if the mix will be with or without a plasticizer;
  8. Indicate the weight of 1 bag of cement, in kg.

After that, if you need to calculate the cost of building materials, check the "Calculate Cost" box and specify the following data in the calculator fields:

  • The price of 1 bag of cement;
  • The price of sand per ton;
  • The price of gravel per ton.

Click the "CALCULATE" button and the calculation results will appear below.

Useful Information

There are several main types of foundations:

  • strip – a reinforced concrete belt, either monolithic or made from FBS blocks;
  • slab – a reinforced concrete monolithic slab. Constructed on floating soils and when groundwater is close to the surface;
  • pile – consisting of piles driven or screwed into the ground at a distance from each other, with a grillage on top. Used on complex, unstable soils;
  • strip-pile – a combined foundation for unstable soils;
  • columnar – consisting of concrete columns placed at a distance from each other, with a grillage on top. The columns can be of two types: cast-in-place reinforced concrete and precast concrete blocks.

The most popular type of foundation for private construction is the strip foundation. To ensure the stability and strength of the house when constructing a strip foundation, consider the depth of soil freezing in the region, which is on average 1.5 to 2.5 meters. Accordingly, the foundation should be at this depth. The height of the foundation above the ground often reaches up to 0.5 meters. The width of the strip should be 100-150 mm greater than the wall thickness, typically varying between 300-400 mm.

The concrete grade for the foundation is chosen based on the wall materials and the number of floors of the future house. These properties directly affect the workability of the concrete mix. Fluid, flowable concrete easily fills formwork with dense reinforcement and is easier to work with. Conversely, stiff concrete gains strength faster but needs vibration compaction. It is used for critical, load-bearing structures, such as staircases.

Recently, with the development of the chemical industry and construction technologies, plasticizers have played a significant role. The addition of plasticizing additives improves the properties of concrete, increasing its plasticity, workability, and reducing cement consumption. The selection of proportions for the mix is also important for concrete calculation, especially when a specific density is required for various operating conditions. When calculating concrete for flooring, consider the strength and wear resistance requirements.


IMPORTANT! When calculating the required amount of concrete, do not forget about losses and inaccuracies, and add 3-5% to the volume of the calculated mix, or have a certain amount of large stones or broken bricks for backfilling in reserve.


Concrete – an artificial stone material widely used in construction. It consists of cement, natural or artificial aggregates, and water. Generally, concrete is made by mixing Portland cement, gravel, sand (screenings), and water. Common types of concrete are used for industrial and civil construction, while special concretes include hydraulic, road, thermal insulation, fire-resistant, etc.

Gravel – a non-metallic building material obtained by crushing rocks and minerals to specific sizes, fractions.

Sand – a loose sedimentary rock formed as a result of the destruction of solid rocks. Sand is also obtained by crushing rocks into small fractions. Mainly, there are pit sand and river (quartz) sand.

Screenings – small particles of rocks, waste from the production of crushed stone products.

Plasticizers – chemical additives introduced into polymers and concretes to improve the physico-chemical properties of these materials. In the case of concrete, plasticizers improve the mobility and workability of the mix, reduce binder consumption, and increase the lifespan of constructed structures.

Grillage – the upper part of a columnar or pile foundation in the form of a frame. It is made of reinforced concrete, steel, or wooden beams. It serves as the base for the building walls.