Primer Consumption per 1m2 - Calculation

Primer Consumption

Primer parameters

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To estimate the amount of expensive primer needed for internal and external work, it's important to have an accurate tool. The optimal solution is to use a quick and intuitive online calculator to determine the volume of the compound.

The complexity of an estimate always lies in the speed of at least a rough assessment of the area to be treated and determining the volume of material based on its specific consumption. Without packaging and the relevant information, this is difficult to do, so the value of the online calculator is in having basic information at hand.

Calculate the cost of a batch of primer taking into account its type, number of layers, and wall geometry. The convenience is also that the total price immediately appears, which is sufficient for creating a commercial offer.

Important to know! When applying multiple layers of primer, significant savings can be achieved. For this, the first layer needs to be diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio, applied to the wall, and allowed to dry completely. Only then can the second layer be applied. This works as follows. The first layer creates a "film" that prevents deep absorption into the material (which is absolutely pointless), and the second layer fully forms the coating, significantly improving adhesion and preventing quick absorption of finishing materials (glues, paints, etc.). The most pointless process in application (especially when working with highly absorbent materials, such as aerated concrete) is to try to do everything in one go and pour a lot of primer on the wall, which will simply be absorbed into the wall without crystallizing.


The primer consumption calculator has the following advantages:

  • universality in application;
  • high speed of operation;
  • accuracy of calculations for assessing needs and budget;
  • minimal parameters and simplicity of the product.

Anyone can work with it. The online calculator allows easy calculation of the amount of primer for walls and plaster, ensuring accuracy and convenience.


Regardless of experience and education, it is enough to enter the following information:

  • type of planned primer composition (acrylic, latex, silicone, or polyurethane);
  • the required number of separate layers;
  • capacity of a single primer container (in liters);
  • cost of one package;
  • dimensions of the treated area (in centimeters);
  • absorption rate (normal or increased primer consumption per 1 m2 of the wall).

The analytical data will be presented as follows:

  • area to be treated (in m2);
  • total amount of primer needed for the job – in packages and liters;
  • total cost of the primer.

For concrete contact mixtures, the consumption is about 350 g/m2, for deep penetration primers and water-dispersion primers – approximately 100 g/m2, for alkyd primers – 120 g/m2, for acrylic primers – up to 150 g/m2. The consumption of universal primers does not exceed 120 g/m2.

The consumption of primer depends on the condition of the surface to be treated. It may require double priming. This indicator is influenced by the hygroscopicity of the substrate. Porous materials, such as drywall and brick, absorb the mixture more intensively and quickly.

To calculate the exact amount of primer per 1 m2 of the wall, it is recommended to use our online primer calculator, which takes all important parameters into account.

When planning to paint walls, it is beneficial to use a primer-paint, as it not only prepares the surface but also provides a background, significantly reducing the amount of paint required.

Our online calculator is notable for its quick operation and sufficient results for indicative budget planning – something often lacking for builders, engineers, and homeowners before starting repairs. With its help, you can easily calculate the primer and find out the exact consumption rate of Ceresit primer or other types per 1 m2 of the wall.