Plaster Consumption per 1m² of Wall

Plaster Consumption Calculator

Dimensions in centimeters:

Wall Dimensions

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Initial Data

Wall Dimensions

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Calculation results

Wall Dimensions

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Undoubtedly, plaster is the most accessible and straightforward method for leveling walls. However, before purchasing building materials and heading to the site to carry out the work, it is essential to calculate the amount of plaster needed for the walls for a specific area. It is important to consider the plaster consumption per square meter (m2) at a given layer thickness to avoid running out of material.

What affects plaster consumption?

The amount of plaster required for finishing the internal and external walls of a building depends on the plastering material itself. It can have either a gypsum or cement base. Additionally, it is crucial to consider the surface area, the condition of openings (such as the degree of unevenness and number of defects), the thickness of the layer, and the method of applying the plaster. For instance, the consumption of gypsum plaster and cement plaster can vary significantly.

So how do you determine how much plaster to purchase to avoid unnecessary expenses? This is why we developed a simple and user-friendly plaster calculation tool that helps you save without compromising on work quality. Our plaster consumption calculator allows you to accurately determine the amount of material needed.

Our plaster consumption calculator for 1 m2 of wall surface will help you calculate the required amount of building material and also perform the final calculation of the area in square meters. The wall plaster calculator takes into account various types of gypsum and cement plasters for leveling external and internal walls from different brands: Rotband, Bergauf, Perfecta, Osnovit, Knauf. This type of plaster can be used to treat ceilings and walls under varying humidity levels, perform pre-finishing work, and effectively level surfaces before final putty, tiling, or wallpapering. Additionally, our calculator helps estimate the consumption of facade and decorative plaster.

By the way, we recommend keeping the maximum plaster layer thickness between 50-70 mm, as stated on most manufacturers' packaging.

How to use the plaster calculator?

First, assess the scope of work: enter the wall dimensions, specifically the height and width. Then, specify the thickness of the plaster layer and any unevenness. To accurately calculate the average layer thickness, it is necessary to set up beacons and then measure all dimensions before entering them into the calculator.

Finally, choose the mixture – this is very convenient since the dropdown list contains all the most popular plaster brands. You can also specify the market price for the most accurate calculation. Then click the "calculate" button.

Within seconds, you will see the plaster consumption per 1 m2 of wall surface below: the area covered, the volume of the mixture, the weight in its dry form, and the total cost. If needed, you can also calculate the cost of the material in bags. As you can see, it is very simple and quick. Most importantly, it is accurate – take the results with you to the store and save on repairs.

Plaster consumption from different manufacturers

Depending on the company that produced the mixture, its consumption can vary. This is usually indicated on the packaging, and you can check it in stores before purchasing the material.

  • For gypsum plaster, this parameter is 9 kg per 1 m2 at a layer thickness of 10 mm. It is known for its strength, moisture resistance, and ability to create an ideally smooth surface.
  • For cement plaster, it is 17 kg/m2. It is often applied by machine on brick, concrete, and cement bases.
  • Decorative plaster has a consumption of 8 kg per 1 m2. It is highly durable and moisture-resistant, primarily used for facade finishes.

Plaster consumption can also be influenced by its composition, added components, grain fractions, and the plasticity of the ready mix. All this information is usually indicated on the mixture packaging. It should be noted that the cost of materials can vary depending on consumption – the higher the consumption, the more bags of mixture you will need to purchase. For example, the consumption of Rotband or Koroed plaster may differ depending on the manufacturer and the mixture composition.

Our online plaster calculation tool for walls helps you accurately calculate the amount of plaster mixtures for various conditions. This will allow you to estimate the required volume of material and ensure you have enough. Calculating the amount of plaster with or without beacons, knowing how much material is needed per square meter – all of this becomes easy with our tool. It helps calculate both internal and facade plaster, as well as decorative mixtures.