Tile Adhesive Consumption per 1m2

Tile Adhesive Consumption

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Tile adhesive used to be prepared manually, but today it is sold everywhere as a ready-to-use mixture for any type of tile and porcelain stoneware. The adhesive is applied to the tile in a layer ranging from 3-15 mm, depending on the size of the tile and the degree of surface preparation. Before working with tiles, it is optimal to level the floor or walls with plaster/screed; this will reduce adhesive consumption and improve the uniformity of the bonding layer. The adhesive consumption rate per square meter can vary significantly depending on the chosen type of adhesive and the thickness of the layer.

Estimating the amount of adhesive manually is difficult: besides the area and theoretical layer depth, there is also the geometry of the tiler’s tool. For proper bonding of the tile to the substrate, the adhesive must be evenly distributed over the surface, which is only possible with a notched trowel. The consumption of adhesive for tiles using a notched trowel depends on the size of the trowel teeth and is approximately 1-1.8 kg per square meter with a layer thickness of 1 mm.


You can estimate the adhesive consumption per square meter directly in your browser with our tile adhesive calculator:

  • a convenient way to save time and effort;
  • a ready form for calculations based on just a few parameters;
  • accurate adhesive quantity for tiling;

The online calculator operates accurately and quickly, without human error. It helps you easily calculate the tile adhesive needed for various conditions, whether for floor or wall applications.


To determine the adhesive consumption per square meter of tile, you will need to enter just a few figures:

  • type of mixture (there are several options);
  • size of the trowel’s working part (mm);
  • total surface area to be treated (m2);
  • cost of one bag of adhesive.

Once these details are entered, the user immediately receives the tile adhesive consumption, the required number of adhesive bags, and the total cost. The tile adhesive calculator also helps to account for layer thickness and type of adhesive, such as for porcelain stoneware or regular tiles.

On average, tile adhesive consumption ranges from 1 to 1.8 kg per square meter with a 1 mm layer thickness. The difference in consumption among different brands of adhesive is due to the availability of both thin-layer and thick-layer tile adhesives. Naturally, different brands of adhesive have varying levels of shrinkage during curing and drying. Popular brands like Ceresit offer various mixtures that account for the specific material properties and operating conditions.

Our tile adhesive calculator takes all these parameters into account and helps you accurately calculate the adhesive consumption per square meter of tile. This not only saves money but also avoids unnecessary expenses and excess material.