Calculation of Round Timber Volume

To calculate the volume of round timber, follow these general rules:

1. Measure the diameter at the top of the log in two directions, sum the results, and divide by two - i.e., take the average value.

2. We need to round and select the nearest diameter and length values from the list.

3. Using the buttons "+" and "x"- You can add or remove rows.

4. The result is displayed both in each row and as a total sum. You can also find out the price for the entire volume if you specify the price per cubic meter.³

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The volume (cubature) of raw round timber is determined as follows: measure the diameter (not the radius) at the top end of the log. Measurements are taken in two directions: the maximum and minimum diameters, then the average value is calculated. It is rounded to the nearest even size. Based on the obtained value, the volume of the log in cubic meters is taken from the cubature table. No other average values should be derived. By sequentially adding the cubatures of all logs, you will find the total cubature of the round timber.

Tired of performing repetitive, identical calculations, given that the initial data does not change? Humanity has long since solved this problem by inventing universal tables - cubature tables. These useful tables help determine the cubature of timber, roundwood, milled logs, and beams, but for a novice, these round timber cubature tables may seem unfathomable and complex. Consisting of a vast amount of numbers, they can confuse anyone.

Features of round timber cubature calculation:

This round timber cubature calculator will save you from the routine use of tables and complex calculation formulas. One of the serious problems in calculating roundwood is the different cross-sections of the logs. No matter how well you navigate the cubature tables, with monotonous and meticulous, repetitive actions, it is easy to make a mistake.

There are several methods for manually calculating cubature:

  • Calculating the volume of each unit of sawn timber;
  • The method of stacking and calculating the volume;
  • Calculation based on wood density.

The most reliable method is, of course, the first one listed. This involves calculating the volume of each log. However, while this method is accurate, it is very time-consuming. Dishonest roundwood sellers are very happy when a client starts to see double in the tabular values.

The second method assumes that the logs occupy some space, considering that there are voids between the logs. From the volume of this space, 20 percent is subtracted, thus obtaining the volume of the roundwood. The data obtained in this way is not entirely accurate, as the logs may be laid unevenly, and then the voids between them are significantly larger.

The third method mentioned above has a very averaged and inaccurate calculation of round timber cubature, as the density of the same timber can vary greatly and depends on the degree of maturity, moisture content, and other natural factors.

What tasks does our calculator solve:

In our program, we tried to combine calculation accuracy, speed, and ease of use. To calculate the raw round timber, you need to measure the diameter at the top end of the log in two directions (minimum and maximum values), add them together, and divide by two. This way, you get the average diameter value of the log. Enter this value in the corresponding field, specify the length of the roundwood and the number of pieces, and no other values are needed. The online calculator will do the rest for you. If you need to calculate the cost of raw timber at the same time, just fill in the necessary form. This way, you completely eliminate the risk of being cheated by the seller and increase the accuracy of your calculation.

Our online log calculator in cubic meters allows you to quickly and accurately calculate the volume of timber. For example, if you need to calculate the cubature of a log 6 meters long, just enter the data into the calculator. This will help you avoid errors and significantly speed up the process. You can also use the table to calculate the cubature of round timber, but our calculation calculator will make this task easier and more convenient.

If you do not know how to measure a log for cubature calculation, follow these simple steps: measure the diameter at the top end of the log in two directions, take the average value, and use our calculator. As a result, you will get an accurate round timber cubature calculation in cubic meters, which can be used for various purposes.