Timber Calculation Calculator for a House or Bath

Timber Calculation

Timber dimensions

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House dimensions

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Windows and doors


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Calculation results

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Planning construction needs to be done in advance, and if you have chosen the material for building a house or sauna and settled on timber, you need to perform an estimate calculation. This means you will need to calculate the required amount of lumber and its cost. The calculator for calculating timber for a house will do this easily and quickly, you will only need to enter the required dimensions in the program menu fields. Our timber construction calculator allows you to calculate how many cubic meters of timber will be needed for your project.

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of profiled timber compared to glued timber, you should start with the basic concepts of their production. Profiled timber is made from coniferous trees. In most cases, it has standard cross-sectional dimensions:

  • 100x100 mm
  • - best suited for building a sauna or a summer cottage
  • 150x150 mm
  • - suitable for a good house
  • 200x200 mm
  • - for constructing large wooden houses or cottages

Calculator Functions

Our online timber calculation calculator is an online program consisting of:

  • four blocks of fields for data entry: timber dimensions, house dimensions, gables, windows, and doors;
  • a button;
  • a block of fields displaying the calculation results.

The online calculator will calculate the wall area, the number of wall and gable courses, dowels, the total cost of all timber, and will calculate the timber for a sauna and house in cubic meters. All the information will be saved in a PDF file or printed out with the click of a button.

Calculator Operating Principle

To get the calculation results, you need to enter the timber cross-sectional dimensions and the cost per cubic meter of lumber into the calculator fields. Then specify the distance at which you plan to install dowels for connecting the timber.

Next, enter the house dimensions, namely the lengths of sides A and B, wall height, and the total length of partitions. Then you will need to specify the number of gables on the house and their dimensions: base width and gable height. Enter the planned number of windows and doors and their dimensions into the calculator menu.

After entering all the parameters, click the "CALCULATE" button, and the result will appear below. For example, the calculation of the timber volume needed for constructing a single-story house 7x8 meters, with two gables, a standard window and door, partitions totaling 15 meters in length, and walls made of 180x180 timber with a height of 3 meters, will be performed in seconds. The required lumber volume will be 27 m3.


Timber is a type of lumber with side dimensions (width and thickness) of at least 100x100 mm. It is made from logs, glued boards, and is used for building houses, saunas, and other structures. Calculating the amount of timber in cubic meters allows you to determine how many cubic meters of timber will be needed for building a wooden house or sauna.

Dowels are cylindrical pegs used as fasteners with chamfered or rounded ends. They are made of wood and are used in construction for connecting timber or logs.

With our calculator, you can easily determine how much timber you need for a house or sauna. Simply enter the necessary parameters, and the calculator will calculate the timber required for constructing a log house from timber. Find out how many cubic meters of timber you need for your project and what the cost will be.