Self-Leveling Floor Calculation

Self-Leveling Floor Calculation

Dimensions in centimeters:

Room dimensions

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Screed dimensions

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Initial Data

Room dimensions

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Screed dimensions

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Calculation results

Room dimensions

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The online self-leveling floor calculator is an indispensable tool that will be useful for an experienced professional and absolutely necessary for a beginner in construction. Thanks to this tool, accurately calculating the consumption of self-leveling floor per square meter is no trouble at all. Naturally, you can calculate the self-leveling floor manually, on paper, using numerous formulas from various reference books, but this will take a lot of time and effort, instead of just entering the necessary parameters into the self-leveling floor calculator and finishing the task.

One of the modern methods of floor leveling in an apartment or house is the installation of a self-leveling floor. This type of finishing has transitioned into residential renovation and construction from industrial workshops, warehouses, and laboratories.

The technology of self-leveling floor installation allows creating a durable seamless coating that is also resistant to chemical substances and retains water.

With the help of this tool, you can save time, nerves, and effort, and instantly obtain parameters such as:

  • the area of the room;
  • the required volume of the mixture;
  • the cost of purchasing the mixture;

Room Dimensions

It's great when we have the simplest type of room - a rectangular one. Then you just need to measure the two sides of the room and enter them into the calculator parameters. But what to do if the room has a shape other than a rectangle? Firstly, don't rush to close the self-leveling floor calculator. All we need to do is divide the room into the necessary number of parts and calculate each separate section, then sum up the results. This approach allows you to calculate the consumption of self-leveling floor per square meter as accurately as possible.

Parameter "Screed Dimensions"

  • Screed Thickness H;
  • Height of corner A;
  • Height of corner B;
  • Height of corner C;
  • Height of corner D.

In the "Screed Thickness H" parameter, you need to enter the number indicating the thickness of the self-leveling floor. The calculation of the self-leveling floor thickness is as follows: choose the height parameter of the corner where the deviation from the "zero point" is minimal or equal to zero, and add the previously entered parameter "Screed Thickness H" to it. The height of this corner will be the point from which the height difference at the other corners will be calculated. Thanks to this approach, the maximum accuracy of all calculations is achieved. The online calculator allows you to calculate how much mixture is needed to perform the work and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Mixture and Types of Calculation

  • by packaging;
  • by name.

If you are calculating the mixture by packaging, you need to specify several parameters, namely the weight of one bag and the price per bag. By pressing the "Calculate" button, we get the required number of bags of mixture for the work, as well as the exact amount of material costs for their purchase.

If you are calculating the mixture by name, you need to choose one of the suitable mixture manufacturers from the provided list and specify the price parameter per bag. In this case, the weight of the bag is indicated in the list next to the name, and it does not need to be entered separately. Just like in the first option, in the end, you get the required number of bags of mixture for the work, as well as the exact amount of material costs for their purchase.

The consumption of self-leveling floor can be easily determined using our calculator. Just specify the area and screed thickness parameters to find out the exact amount of self-leveling floor needed for your project.