Pit and Trench Volume Calculation - with and Without Slopes

Earthwork Volume Calculator

Formula for calculating the volume of a trench with vertical walls:

V = a * H * L

Volume increase factor of soil after excavation:

  • Loose, uncompacted -1
  • Wet sand - 1.2
  • Loose sand, - 1.1
  • Loam and fine gravel - 1.3
  • Heavy clay - 1.4

Formula for calculating the volume of a trench with slopes:

V = ( a1 + a2 ) / 2 * H * L

Volume increase factor of soil after excavation:

  • Loose, uncompacted -1
  • Wet sand - 1.2
  • Loose sand, - 1.1
  • Loam and fine gravel - 1.3
  • Heavy clay - 1.4

Formula for the area of an equilateral triangle through the radius of the circumscribed circle:

where R — radius of the circumscribed circle.

V = 3.14 * ( ( D1 + D2) / 2 )2 / 4 * H Loose sand, from 1.05 to 1.15. Wet sand, from 1.1 to 1.25. Loam and fine gravel, from 1.2 to 1.35. Heavy clay, from 1.35 to 1.5.
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Often during construction and installation works for laying utilities: water supply systems, gas pipelines, cable laying, sewage systems, or when laying strip or monolithic foundations, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the excavation. To correctly and quickly calculate the volumes of earthworks, as well as the volume of excavated soil, you don't need to do it manually – an online calculator will professionally perform the calculation. You just need to select the necessary parameters and enter the dimensions in the menu fields. You can also determine the backfill volume and the excavation volume using this calculator.

The online calculator for calculating the required volume of earthworks when digging a pit or trench is useful for estimating labor costs and the cost of earthworks. The calculator also allows you to calculate the excavation volume with slopes. If there are no slopes, set the top and bottom dimensions the same. The program will help determine the volume of excavation and the volume of backfill.

Calculator Functions

The calculator is an online program consisting of a set of fields for selecting parameters, entering initial data, and a set of fields displaying the calculation results. The calculator can be used to calculate the excavation volume and determine the volume of the excavation.

Such types of operations as:

  • calculate the volume of a trench with vertical walls;
  • calculate the volume of a circular well with slopes;
  • calculate the volume of a pit with slopes – the online calculator will do it in a few seconds, saving the ready result in PDF format or printing it with one click of a button.

Calculator Operating Principle

To obtain the result, you need to select and enter the following data in the calculator menu fields:

  1. Type of trench (after this, a schematic image of the type of work, calculation formula, and volume increase coefficients for different soils after earthworks will appear in the information window on the left);
  2. Type of soil;
  3. Dimensions of the selected type of earthworks, in meters;

After entering all the parameters, the calculator will automatically provide a ready numerical result in cubic meters: the volume of the pit, the volume of excavated soil, the excavation volume, and the backfill volume. Determining the volume of a trench with slopes is also possible using the calculator.


Trench, pit – an open excavation in the soil intended for the construction of foundations, bases, pipelines, and other engineering structures. The volume of the trench and the volume of the soil in the trench are calculated using established formulas.

Well – a vertical depression, excavation in the soil. It is a hydraulic structure for raising water and is also used for arranging sewers and septic tanks.

Soil – a complex multicomponent movable system consisting of rocks, soils, sediments, and technogenic (anthropogenic) formations. It is part of the geological environment and an integral part of human engineering and economic activity.