Aerated Concrete Calculation Calculator

Aerated Concrete Calculation

Dimensions in centimeters:


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Initial Data


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Reinforcing mesh

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Mortar proportions

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Calculation results


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Reinforcing mesh

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Aerated concrete blocks are a type of cellular concrete with uniformly distributed air pores throughout their volume. The more evenly these pores are distributed, the higher the quality of the concrete.

The production of aerated concrete in factory conditions is a rather complex process. In addition to cement and sand, chemical gas-forming additives are used in production, the quantity of which must be calculated with very high accuracy. After all the components are mixed, the entire mass of aerated concrete is poured into special molds, where it increases in volume due to the release of gases.

The main feature of cellular concrete production is the curing of the poured concrete under pressure in special autoclave chambers. This is necessary to ensure that the air pores are evenly distributed throughout the volume. Producing quality aerated concrete without such chambers is impossible. After achieving the required strength, the entire mass is cut into blocks of the necessary sizes.

Before purchasing aerated concrete blocks, it is necessary to calculate their quantity as accurately as possible using a calculator to avoid overpaying for excess material. Our online aerated concrete calculator allows you to easily and accurately calculate the aerated concrete needed for house construction, helping to avoid excess and additional costs.

Just like other types of blocks, aerated concrete is divided by density into:

  • Structural
  • - for the construction of load-bearing walls.
  • Structural-thermal insulation
  • - for the construction of load-bearing walls in low-rise buildings.
  • Thermal insulation
  • - for the construction of non-load-bearing walls.

There are no situations in construction where estimates and guesses regarding the amount of materials used have ultimate practical benefit. An accurate calculation is always necessary, as it can save money and time in the end. Our online calculator for calculating aerated concrete blocks is designed to make these calculations as easy as possible, allowing you to calculate aerated concrete blocks for walls with high accuracy.

Aerated concrete is not a new building material, but individual homes from aerated concrete have only recently started to be built in our country. It is therefore all the more important that the aerated concrete calculator performs the calculation quickly, requiring only the completion of several fields. Undoubtedly, these calculations can also be performed manually on paper, but what if you need to adjust parameters, substituting many values one after another until an acceptable result is achieved?

For example, you know the geometric parameters of the walls, their length and height, but you haven't yet decided on the thickness of the adhesive joint or the density of the material. It will be convenient to look at the resulting data by trying different parameters and seeing how the total volume of adhesive and the weight of the aerated concrete blocks fluctuate. Such visual thinking would require many repetitive, but tedious actions if done manually. However, with the online calculator, the calculation becomes instantaneous and safeguarded against random errors.

Main Functions

To get the initial calculations for the walls of a house made of aerated concrete, and to calculate the additional amount of material, it is sufficient to fill in:

  • Block dimensions;
  • Block density;
  • Adhesive joint thickness;
  • Wall thickness;
  • Wall area.

For all parameters (except area), a list of standard values is available. For block dimensions, it is also possible to enter custom data for length, height, and width.

Additional Functions

In the calculation of aerated concrete blocks for construction, additional clarifications can be included to help:

  • Calculate the area of walls, taking into account the presence of windows and gables;
  • Calculate the amount of reinforcing mesh;
  • Calculate the amount of cement and its components.

The third point will only be useful if for some significant reason you disregard the recommendation to use adhesive for masonry. In this case, the calculation of adhesive for aerated concrete is replaced with that for cement mortar. At the same time, the calculator provides the exact proportions of cement, sand, and water for a self-made mixture.

Calculation Results

After calculating the volume of aerated concrete, we recommend adding 5-10 percent to the result to compensate for breakage, construction errors, and cuts. This approach is especially important for online calculations to avoid material shortages during house construction.