Pool Volume Calculator

Pool volume


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The calculation of the pool volume is necessary both at the construction and design stage, and at the operational stage.

How to find the volume of the pool? To calculate the pool volume using our calculator, you need to know its shape and dimensions. Shapes can be simple or complex. Simple shapes are standard geometric figures: circle, square, quadrilateral, etc. Complex shapes are irregular quadrilaterals, ovals, combined shapes, etc. Our online calculator will help you calculate the pool volume in liters, cubic meters (m³).

Our calculator can calculate 2 classic types of pools with a flat or sloping bottom.

Volume of a round pool:

For round pools with a flat bottom, the volume calculation is done using the following formula:

V = π h r² x D

Where V is the volume in cubic meters (m³), h is the pool depth, r is the radius, and D is the diameter. You can calculate the water volume for a round pool using this formula in our calculator.

Volume of a rectangular pool:

For rectangular pools with a flat bottom, the following formula is used:

V = L x W x H

Where V is the volume in cubic meters, L is the length, W is the width, H is the height (depth). You can find out the volume using our calculator by entering the pool dimensions.

If you have a frame pool, the water volume calculation can also be done using our online calculator, knowing its shape and dimensions. This way, you can easily find out how much water is needed to fill the pool and calculate the volume in cubic meters or liters.