Calculators for Construction Structures

Proper calculation of construction structures ensures the safety and durability of the building. Errors in calculations can lead to catastrophic consequences, up to the collapse of the structure. Accurate calculations also prevent unnecessary costs on materials and resources, optimizing the construction process. Calculation methods take into account various loads and material properties, ensuring the reliability of the structures.

Online calculators offer various solutions for the calculation of the most demanded construction structures. Calculation and design of beams are done both for deflection and strength, from wood and metal, and the configuration itself is also calculated - volume, weight, and other parameters. There are also calculations for trusses made of profile pipes of different shapes: triangular, trapezoidal, single-pitch, double-pitch, etc. The calculator will provide accurate dimensions of all nodes and each part, ensuring the correct calculation of structural elements.

All our online calculators are completely free and work on all types of devices, from desktop PCs to various smartphones. The calculators save you time and make construction more convenient, simpler, and more accurate. Thanks to them, the calculation of structures and buildings becomes accessible and efficient for all users.