Barrel Volume Calculator

Barrel volume calculation

By radius

By area

Formula for barrel volume by height and radius:


π - constant equal to (3.14); r - base radius; h - cylinder height.

If you need the radius, just divide the diameter by 2

Formula for barrel volume by height and base area:


S - cylinder base area; h - cylinder height.

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A barrel is a cylindrical container with closed top and bottom, usually made of wood, metal, plastic, or other materials. Barrels are used for storing and transporting various types of cargo, including liquids, oils, and much more. Barrels are especially popular for storing water and other liquids such as oils, and are also used in fire safety.

An online barrel volume calculator is a unique tool that offers a simple and efficient way to calculate the volume of your liquid, regardless of its size. This is especially convenient if you need to know how much water or other liquid fits in a barrel, whether it is metal or plastic.

Here's how you can use this calculator:

  • Input data: Choose the dimensions you have: height/diameter, height/base area.
  • Enter measurements: Enter the dimensions of your cylindrical or round barrel in millimeters.
  • Calculate volume: After entering the dimensions, select the unit of volume measurement for the final result. These can be millimeters, liters, or cubic meters (m3).

Calculating the volume of a barrel using the calculator is a simple and reliable method, especially if you are dealing with large volumes of liquid. For example, you need to calculate how many liters of water or oil fit in a 200-liter barrel. You can use the formula to calculate the volume and determine the exact amount of liquid.

If you need to calculate the volume of a cylindrical or round barrel for storing water, oil, or other liquid, simply use our online calculator. This will help you quickly and easily determine the volume in liters, cubic meters, or millimeters. Such a calculation allows you to know how much liquid fits in the barrel, and how much can be stored or transported.