Linear Interpolation Calculator

Linear Interpolation

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Interpolation graph

Solution by formula:

To calculate linear interpolation, use this formula: y = y1 + (x - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)


Disciplines such as statistics and mathematics use the tool "Interpolation" in their methodology. It is used in engineering and architectural design.

Interpolation is a method for calculating an intermediate value of a function based on several already known values.

Linear interpolation involves calculating an intermediate value of a function based on two points (by conditionally drawing a straight line between them). For example, if the values of the function at two points f(x1) and f(x2) are known, it is reasonable to assume that the value at a third point located between the first and second can be found graphically, lying on the segment connecting x1 and x2. This process is also known as linear interpolation calculation.

Interpolation is applicable in the following cases:

  • The phenomenon has been studied comprehensively, not just by a single method of calculation.
  • The application of this tool is only possible in cases where the allowed error between the verified points also follows a specific law.
  • Its application may not be justified in all cases, as a number of other nuances may arise with empirical functions.

In any case, when applying the method of linear interpolation, calculation errors are unacceptable. To protect professionals from errors due to miscalculations, we have developed an online linear interpolation calculator. Thanks to this tool, it is now possible to avoid any errors, as the calculator has extreme accuracy in calculations. The linear interpolation graph created with this calculator will help visualize intermediate values.

Linear interpolation online:

  • Protect yourself from errors that, in the case of residential building construction, can lead to terrible consequences.
  • Eliminate the need for manual formula calculations by simply entering the necessary values into the appropriate fields and getting the ready answer.
  • The method of linear interpolation will seem very simple, thanks to the interface of our calculator.

Our calculator, performing calculations by the method of linear interpolation, uses the following formula:

Y = y1 + (x - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1),

where y is the linear interpolation indicator,

y1, y2, x, x1, x2 are the known values that need to be inserted into the calculator fields.

Thus, by using our online calculator, you will get an accurate answer, easily understand the functionality of the calculator thanks to its simple interface, and never make mistakes due to human error. The linear interpolation function implemented in our calculator significantly facilitates the calculation process.