Staircase with a 90-degree Turn with a Platform

Stairs with a 90-degree turn°, with Landing

Dimensions in centimeters:

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Opening dimensions

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Stringers (Stringer)

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Initial Data


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Stringers (Stringer)

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Calculation results


Comfortable angle of inclination 30-40°


Comfortable height - 15-20 cm
Comfortable width - 27-32 cm
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Stringers (Stringer)

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Online staircase calculator – a simple tool for quickly determining the dimensions of elements of a turning staircase with a landing. The user only needs to enter the initial data (dimensions of the opening, number of upper and lower steps, width of the flight), specify the type of staircase, and start the calculation. The service instantly draws the blueprint of the future staircase and displays the dimensions of the steps, the level of the landing, and the angle of inclination of the future structure.

How does the online calculator work?

The calculation of a staircase to the second floor with a 90-degree turn is based on the initial data entered by the user, taking into account the values laid down in the current building codes. As a result of the calculation, the following is determined:

  • the angle of inclination of the staircase;
  • the main dimensional characteristics of the steps (length, width, depth);
  • the level of the turning landing;
  • the length of the sides of the lower and upper stringers;
  • the dimensions of the risers and handrails.

The main advantage of the service is the instant and highly accurate drawing of the structure with detailed visualization of all its elements: staircase openings, flights, steps, and landing. Using the calculator helps avoid errors in the design of the structure, and in the subsequent calculation of the cost of manufacturing and installing the staircase. The online calculator is an indispensable tool for those who decide to build a wooden or metal staircase themselves and want to save time and effort.

Initial data

Any metal staircase or construction made of wood, concrete, and other materials can be easily designed using key parameters such as:

  • dimensions of the opening (length, width, height (values P1, P2, P3));
  • thickness and overhang of the edge of the steps (S1, S2);
  • number of upper and lower steps (S3, S4);
  • width of the flight (S5);
  • level of the upper (last) step;
  • thickness and width of the stringers (T1, T2);

Calculating the angle of inclination of the staircase, the dimensions of the steps, stringers (or side rails), and visual drawing are necessary to determine the cost of manufacturing the structure and performing installation work. For example, a staircase to the second floor made of wood with a 90-degree turn and a landing is very often made from factory parts that are produced to a specific size. Knowing this data makes it easy to calculate the entire structure.

When specifying the initial parameters, it is important to consider some features:

  • The height of the opening implies the height of the entire structure – this is the distance from the finished floor of the first floor to the finished floor of the second floor.
  • The width and length of the opening are indicated taking into account the landing and flights from the extreme points of the structure.
  • Stringers (or side rails) are special load-bearing elements to which the steps are attached. They can be mounted with an overhang above the steps using attachment to special grooves or follow the shape of the steps (flush mounting), covering their side part. In this case, the load-bearing element is called a stringer. Stairs with stringers are more compact, easier to calculate, and more resistant to loads. The dimensions should be specified based on standard materials (channel, angle, board).

Standard values

A two-flight wooden or concrete staircase is made in different dimensions. To facilitate the calculations, it is recommended to use standard values:

  • 6-7 steps, 40 mm thick, 300 mm wide;
  • no more than 40 degrees of step inclination for walking comfort;
  • step height – no more than 15-20 cm, and width – from 27 to 32 cm;

Pay attention to the future placement of the upper step. Depending on the size of the opening and the type of factory steps, additional material may be required to bring the last step above the level of the second floor. It is recommended to place the upper step below the level of the second floor.

The main result of this calculator:

  1. Information necessary for the manufacture of side rails.
  2. Information necessary for the manufacture of steps and landing.

Based on this information, the parts from which the structure is assembled are manufactured.

All other drawings show the final appearance of the structure: after the connection of the side rails, steps, and landing to each other.

The feature of this calculator is the implementation of two functions:

  1. Evaluation of the convenience of the staircase;
  2. Adjustment of the staircase structure.

The staircase calculator allows for an accurate calculation of the staircase, whether it is metal or wooden, L-shaped with a 90-degree turn and landing. This makes it an ideal tool for designing stairs to the second floor in private houses and cottages. Such a tool is especially useful for those engaged in self-construction and who want to save on professional services.