Building Thermal Engineering

Construction thermal engineering is an important stage in the construction of a residential house and other premises. Comfort and correct technical operation of the building itself depend on it. This category includes calculators for calculating various types of heating (radiator, water heated floors, electric heated floors), and thermal calculations for enclosing structures (not only walls for heat preservation but also calculates moisture accumulation, and possible dew point formation). There is also an online calculator for calculating the required number of radiator sections for heating a given room with known heat output.

All calculations are carried out in accordance with current design standards, which guarantees their accuracy and compliance with modern requirements.

In addition to heating calculations, this category includes various calculators for correctly calculating ventilation, boiler, and water heater capacities. With these calculators, you can easily calculate the parameters you need quickly and conveniently. Please note - all calculators are completely free to use.

The basics of construction thermal engineering include understanding thermal processes and their impact on building structures. Proper application of design standards helps avoid mistakes and achieve optimal comfort in residential and other premises.